Printing from School
The Lincolnwood Library web-based printing allows anyone to print a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, or web page from their Internet-connected computer to a public printer in the Lincolnwood Library. The document will be held in the print queue until the library closes on the day the job is sent. The job must be retrieved during library hours.
Mobile WiFi Hotspots are available for 2-week checkout by Lincolnwood Library cardholders through the Library of Things at the Lincolnwood Public Library.
Morton Grove
Print from the Library, home, or your own device with the PrinterOn website or mobile app, then retrieve print jobs at the print release station by the east Info Desk. Pending print jobs are held in the system for 24 hours, or until printed. Printing costs 10 cents per page for black-and-white or color, payable by cash or credit card.
Mobile WiFi Hotspots are available for 2-week checkout by Morton Grove Library cardholders through the Morton Grove Public Library
Technology appointments are available to Niles-Maine cardholders Monday-Saturday. Non-residents can access the computers, copiers, printers, and scan station on a first come, first serve basis.
Zing Mobile Hotspots are available for one week checkout by Niles Library cardholders only through the Creative Studio at the Niles-Maine Public Library.
A limited number of computers are available by appointment only Monday through Friday, noon-6 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, noon-3 pm. Call 847-673-7774 to make a reservation. Appointments are limited to 30 minutes. No extensions will be given. Black and white printing is available
The Village of Skokie offers qualifying families the opportunity to apply for the free Skokie WiFi HotSpot Program.
There is also public wifi available through SkokieLink. The system is a municipal outdoor wireless Internet access pilot project.
The SkokieLink connection points are:
Find Low-Cost Internet Service and Computers in Your Area
Home Internet Filtering
District 219 does not filter Internet content when students are off-campus. Many Internet Service Providers (ISP) do offer such services and information. If you do not see your provider listed below, contact them directly.